Dreaming of colorful dragons flying

A pregnant woman dreaming of dancing dragons predicts the birth of a daughter.People in love dreaming of colorful dragons flying indicates that if misunderstandings can b... Read more

Dream:Andy Lau

A pregnant woman dreaming of Liu Dehua will give birth to a male child:While a female child will be born in August.For those who dream of Liu Dehua in their business life... Read more

Dream:Caught a hare

A pregnant woman dreaming of catching a hare foretells the birth of a daughter.For those who are in love to dream of catching a hare:It means that after many trials and t... Read more

Dreaming of a game war

Those who are traveling dreamt of fighting a game war:Traveling smoothly, postponing to come back.People who go to school dreaming of fighting a game war:A subject is poo... Read more

What do chores mean?

A woman dreaming of her husband's release from prison will be burdened with household chores.A traveler dreaming of household affairs:Reschedules his departure and postpo... Read more


A woman dreaming of her husband's release from prison will be tired of worrying about household chores.A traveler dreaming of household chores reschedules and postpones h... Read more

Dreams about lots of fish roe

Doing business dreamed of a lot of fish roe:Represents a difficult start and a lot of chores, but will be more successful in the future.People dreaming of a lot of fish r... Read more