What does a snake and a fish in a well mean

A traveler dreaming of a well with snakes and fish in it is advised to travel smoothly and on schedule.

A pregnant woman dreaming of snakes and fish in a well predicts the birth of a male child.

People in love dreamt of snakes and fish in a well:Suggesting that marriage can be accomplished if one is devoted to one's feelings.

Doing business dreamed of snakes and fish in a well:Representing a difficult start, slowly and smoothly, the north to get wealth in the south of the nobleman.

People dreaming of snakes and fish in a well in the current year of life means that things are not going well:Be careful to prevent friends from betraying trust, framing, and danger.

Doing business dreamed that there are many fish in the well:There is wealth and profit, get salary.

People in business dreaming of snakes and fish in a drinking cup:Although there are bad luck, a slight change can be smooth and smooth.

People who go to school dreaming of fish blood in a well:Means that although there are small shortcomings, but does not affect the overall situation, there is hope.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a well with a lot of fish and two snakes will give birth to a daughter:While a man will be born in winter.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a dirty well with a lot of fish in it predicts a male child in the spring and fall:And a female child in the summer.

If a person in love dreams of a well with a lot of green snakes:It means that the marriage will be accomplished if they are of one heart and one mind.

A pregnant woman dreaming of snakes in a well:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, related to ancestral graves.

A pregnant woman dreaming of snakes in a well predicts the birth of a daughter.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a fish in a well predicts an auspicious birth of a daughter:While a male child is bad and difficult to raise.

Those who dreamed of a snake crawling out of a well suggest stopping if there is a storm:And be cautious of accidents.

Doing business dreamed of water and fish in a well:Represents not very smooth, there are ups and downs, have confidence to break through the difficulties.

People dreaming of seeing snakes in a well means that they will not be able to achieve their grades in liberal arts.

People in love dreaming of fish blood in a well:Indicates that temperament is difficult to tolerate, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreaming of falling into a well with snakes:Suggests that after many tests, marriage can be expected.

People dreaming of water and fish in a well implies that one's grades are unsatisfactory and that one fails to pass the oral examination and is not admitted.

People dreaming of a dry day with fish in a well implies that one's grades are unsatisfactory and one fails to be admitted.

People who go to school dreaming of snakes and fish in a well means poor results in the oral examination:Don't be double-minded and fail to get what you want.

People in love dreaming of a snake in a well in a house means that after many tests:They can hope to get married.

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