What does it mean to try on silver thigh high boots yourself

For a person in love to dream that he tries on silver thigh-high boots:It means that the man is older than the woman and is separated due to parental disapproval.

If you dream of trying on silver high boots:It means that you should go on fewer excursions to climb mountains, and that you should be able to get away from all the difficulties, and that all things are not going well.

Dreaming of trying on silver high boots:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky number is 5, peach blossom bit in the east direction, wealth in the southeast direction, lucky color is black, lucky food is taro.

Dreaming of trying on silver high boots:Energetic luck, can be more action-oriented way to spend if the luck can climb. It's good to go to nature activities such as hiking, picnic, etc. It's hard to feel the land under your feet in the noisy city, so you should step on it a few times in this day and age. Relatively in the city's luck is not so good, such as shopping luck may not be able to buy anything good, just look at it.

Those who traveled dreamed of wearing a pair of high boots:It is recommended to postpone the trip in case of wind.

People dreaming of going to school wearing a pair of tall boots:Means not changing one's mind, concentrating on studying can be admitted.

People in love dreaming of tall boots means that only a woman can do well at home:And the family will be successful.

People in love dreamed of red high boots on the roadside:Suggesting that renegotiation, conceptual accommodation, marriage can be accomplished.

People who traveled dreamed of silver crocodile in silver lake water:Suggesting that in case of wind and fog postponement and then travel.

Those who dreamed of high boots on a trip suggest postponing the trip in case of rain.

People in love dreaming of wearing a pair of thigh-high boots suggests that as long as there is mutual trust:Marriage can be accomplished. There are joyful celebrations in the fall.

For a businessman to dream of red high boots on the roadside:It means that he will make a profit in the spring, but later on, it will not go well so that he will lose money.

A traveler dreaming of wearing silver clothes suggests a good trip in late autumn.

A pregnant woman dreaming of trying on a wedding dress predicts the birth of a boy.

For a businessman to dream that he is wearing a pair of high boots represents competition:Failure to stabilize, and loss of stolen treasure.

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