Dream about wife being abducted

A pregnant woman dreaming of her wife being abducted will give birth to a boy. A girl will be born in July or August.People who dreamt of their wives being abducted in a ... Read more

Dreaming of a young nephew abducted

People who are traveling dreamed that their little nephew was abducted away:Suggest water and fire be careful, pay attention to safety when going out.People in love dream... Read more

Dream: His wife was abducted

For a businessman to dream of his wife being abducted:It means that he will be able to operate his business in a practical manner and get what he wants.For a person in lo... Read more

Dream:Granddaughter abduction

A pregnant woman dreaming of her granddaughter being abducted is predicting the birth of a daughter and a delay in her labor.For a businessman to dream of his granddaught... Read more

Dream: child abducted but returned

A pregnant woman dreaming of a child being abducted but coming back predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in the summer. Be cautious of misc... Read more

What does lost and abducted mean?

If you are traveling and dream of getting lost and being abducted:You are advised to be careful in case of water and fire, and you may postpone your trip.If you are pregn... Read more