What do you mean you stole someone's handbag?

For a person who goes to school to dream that he stole someone else's carry bag means poor grades in science:Affecting admission results.

If you are pregnant and dream that you stole someone else's handbag:You are predicting the birth of a male child, a female child in August, and a safe mother and child.

People dreaming of stealing someone else's handbag represent that although the business is not going well:There is still profit to be made.

People dreaming of stealing someone else's handbag:Means going out to be careful of car accidents and injuries, blood and light, the fall is unfavorable.

People in love dreamed of stealing someone else's handbag:Means communicate with each other to sightseeing area traveling to cultivate feelings, wait for a period of time.

People in love dreamed of thief stole my handbag:Indicating that mutual discovery of shortcomings, if you can tolerate each other marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of yellow handbag being stolen:Means real estate gain more profit, all things are smooth, more progress than last year.

Traveling people dreaming of handbag being stolen:Suggest to choose another date to depart.

Doing business dreamed of having a handbag stolen:Represents unfavorable at first, after rearranging, successful wealth.

Traveling people dreamed of people stealing their money:Postponed three days to go out smoothly.

Pregnant people dreaming of a yellow handbag being stolen:Foretelling the birth of a boy, summer occupying the birth of a girl. The girl is expected to be born in summer.

Dreaming of stealing someone else's handbag:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is orange, the wealth position is in the east direction, the peach blossom position is in the northwest direction, the lucky number is 2, the lucky food is eggplant.

If you are traveling and dream that you lost your bag:You should be careful when encountering water, and you can return home safely.

People who go to school dreaming of someone stealing their cell phone implies that they will not be admitted to the school as they wish.

People who are traveling dreamed that their wheels were stolen by others:Suggest to change the schedule, delay the departure is better.

People in love dreamed of having their handbags stolen:Suggesting that relatives have opinions, not to be discouraged, and eventually hope to get married.

Doing business dreamed of handbag being stolen:Represents that although there are words and rumors of destruction, will not affect the profit.

Pregnant people dreamed of stealing other people's things:Predicting the birth of a daughter, driving carefully do not move the fetus.

This year's people dreamed of thief stole my handbag:Means careful to prevent the disaster of injury, water and fire be careful, the south less to go, luck is not good.

Pregnant people dreamed of their belongings were stolen by others:Predicting the birth of a man, health situation is not good.

Doing business dreamed of seeing her bag broken:Representing wealth and fortune.

Doing business dreamed that thief stole my handbag:Represents more loss, not too confident, big loss.

People in love dreamed of yellow handbag was stolen:Indicates that there is honesty to treat marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of yellow handbag was stolen:Represents loss not gain profit. Be careful of water and fire disasters. Worship God's blessing.

Travelers dreaming of having their things stolen by others:Suggest traveling as scheduled.

A person dreaming of having his handbag stolen in his current year of life implies that there is a slight obstruction in the smooth running of his life:So he should act cautiously.

People dreaming of having their handbag stolen in the current year implies that there are obstacles in all matters:And caution should be exercised to prevent injury. If you have perseverance, you can turn bad luck into good luck.

Pregnant people dreaming of a stolen handbag:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, be careful to prevent fetal demise in the womb.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a stolen handbag predicts the birth of a boy. Spring and summer accounted for the birth of a girl:To prevent the fetus from being moved.

A pregnant woman dreaming of someone stealing her belongings predicts the birth of a girl:Or a sister coming before or after her.

Pregnant people dreaming of carrying someone else's handbag in their hands:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, just pregnant, will harm the good, body more maintenance.

Pregnant people dreaming of someone stealing their money:A daughter, fall occupying the birth of a man. Difficulty in labor beware.

Doing business dreamed that his bag was stolen by someone else stole:Representing a smooth financial gain, pay attention to small people hurt.

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