Dreaming of losing a molar

A traveler dreaming of losing a lower slate tooth takes his time and waits for the opportunity to come back.

A traveler dreaming of losing a lower slate tooth without blood suggests coming and going safely.

Traveling person dreamed of losing a lower deciduous tooth:In case of wind and rain postponement of travel again.

Traveling person dreamed of losing a large plate tooth:Suggests postponing another date to go out.

People who go to school dreamed of losing a big tooth:Liberal arts is a little unsatisfactory, can hope to be admitted.

People dreaming that they lost a tooth last night:Means promotion in position, wealth and profit, tongue is unavoidable.

Pregnant people dreaming of losing a baby tooth:Give birth to a daughter, don't approach the water.

People in love dreamed of dreaming of losing a molar:Suggesting that re-talking about feelings again, everything goes well and can be accomplished.

People in business dreamed of losing a molar in the morning:On behalf of the mouth is right and wrong, big change is also a big failure, old-fashioned is better.

If a businessman dreams of losing a tooth:He will be able to get rich after working hard and getting help from friends.

Pregnant people dreamed of losing a tooth:Predicting the birth of a male, fall and August accounted for the birth of a female.

People who go to school dreaming of losing a deciduous tooth means poor performance in the oral examination:Don't be double-minded and fail to fulfill your wish.

People who dreamed of losing a tooth in the current year of life:Means driving carefully, it is advisable to guard, do not be in a hurry to deal with things as important.

Pregnant people dreamed of losing a large plate tooth:Predicting the birth of a daughter, spring accounted for the birth of a man, emotions to be stable.

People who go to school dreamed of losing a lower deciduous tooth without blood:Meaning that the grades failed to meet the admission standard.

People dreaming of losing a baby tooth in the current year of life:Means first bitter and then sweet, currently preventing small people, lawsuits, spring to open luck.

Doing business dreamed of losing one of his teeth:Represents improving the product to raise the standard, smooth business with wealth and profit.

This year's people dreamed of losing a big plate tooth:Means do not visit the sick, avoid funerals, the rest of the smooth as expected.

People in love dreamed of losing a lower plate tooth without blood:Indicating that too stubborn, discover each other's shortcomings, if you can tolerate each other's marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreamed of losing a lower plate tooth:Suggesting that after many trials and tribulations

Doing business dreamed of losing a lower plate tooth:Smooth as expected people, fame and fortune, but not acute.

People who go to school dreaming of losing a lower deciduous tooth:Poor science scores, total score reaches admission standard.

Pregnant people dreaming of losing a baby tooth:Giving birth to a boy, be careful of moving the fetus, be careful with your diet.

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