Meaning of the dream I got married to someone else

For those who go to school to dream that I got married but to someone else means that they failed to get what they wished for and to come back later.

Those who are traveling dreamed that I got married to someone else:Suggesting that summer occupation is unfavorable, the rest is feasible.

Doing business dreamed I got married but married to someone else:Represents successfully obtaining wealth, cautiously guard against lawsuits, fire injury.

Doing business dreamed that my husband married someone else:Represents practical operation, smooth as desired.

Pregnant people dreamed that my boyfriend married someone else:Predicting the birth of a daughter, avoid moving earth.

Traveling people dreamed that my ex-wife and I got married again:Suggesting changing the date of departure.

Doing business dreamed I got married with someone else:Represents profit has ups and downs and obstacles to slow progress, be careful to prevent lawsuits.

Pregnant people dreamed that my brother and I got married:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful to prevent fetal demise.

Traveling people dreamed that my boyfriend and others got married:Suggests a little delay a few days, can travel smoothly.

Doing business dreamed that my cousin and I got married:On behalf of can't be hasty, can't be negligent, otherwise make a mistake.

People who go to school dreamed that I got married to Xia Li Zhen:Poor performance in liberal arts, affecting admission.

Traveling people dreamed that my cousin and I got married:Suggesting that if there is a wind, stop and delay the departure.

Traveling person dreamed that I got married with my uncle:Suggested that if there is rain, postponement will be postponed, and disagreement will be postponed.

Pregnant people dreamed that I got married to my ex-girlfriend:Predicting the birth of a daughter, preventing miscarriage.

Traveling people dreamed that my fiancé and I got married:Suggest postponing going out is better.

People in love dreamed that my husband married someone else:Suggesting that after the misunderstanding is resolved, the marriage can be accomplished.

People who went to school dreamed that I got married to my beloved:Means that I failed to get the desired result.

Those who dreamed that I got married with Ma Zhenyuan:Suggesting that one can go out between fall and winter.

People in love dreamed that my friend and I got married and I cried and made a scene:Suggesting that marriage can be expected.

A pregnant person dreamed that I was getting married with someone else:Predicting the birth of a male child, and more care for the mother.

People in love dreamed that my girlfriend married someone else:Suggests that after many tests, you can hope to get married.

Traveling person dreamed that my girlfriend and others are getting married:Suggests departing as scheduled auspicious.

Doing business dreamed my girlfriend and someone else got married:Represents unfavorable operation, loss, and gambling addiction. Loss of wealth is unfavorable.

Pregnant people dreaming of me and my uncle getting married:Predicting the birth of a male child, safe and smooth.

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