What's the meaning of the monk's procession

People traveling dreaming of a funeral procession with a monk leading the procession are advised to go out between fall and winter.

People in love dreaming of a funeral procession of monks:Suggesting that a matchmaker's power may lead to marriage.

Doing business dreamed of monk funeral procession:Representing money, hard work, be patient profit.

People dreaming of monks funeral procession in the current year of life means more chances of traveling or relocation of address:And family turmoil.

Pregnant people dreaming of monks funeral procession:Foretelling the birth of a man, the fall occupies the birth of a woman, be careful to move the soil damage to the fetus.

If a person in love dreams of seeing a funeral procession turning into a rice-planting procession:Most of them intend to get married, but they have to remove psychological barriers.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a funeral procession led by a monk foretells the birth of a boy; a girl is expected in the spring. Beware of strange tumors.

For a businessman who dreamt of a funeral procession with a monk leading the procession:It represents uncertainty, and it is advisable to keep the business or suspend it.

People in love dreaming of a funeral procession with a monk leading the procession:Suggesting that there are small people destroying, can firmly believe that marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreamed of wedding procession and funeral procession meet:Indicates that husband and wife must get along with each other for a long time after the ups and downs can be accomplished.

People in business dreamed of funeral procession change rice-planting song procession:Be cautious against friend's betrayal of trust, lawsuit, litigation.

Traveling people dreaming of funeral procession:Windy is less go out, delay and then travel.

People dreaming of a funeral procession turning into a rice-planting song procession:Where prior planning is thorough, then move without regret, caution is important.

Traveling people dreaming of a sacrificial procession:Suggests more obstacles, postpone and then travel.

People dreaming of a wedding procession and a funeral procession represent poor management at the beginning:But later on there will be financial benefits.

Those who are traveling dreamed of a funeral procession:Suggesting to go out as scheduled and be safe. There is a mouth to talk about opinions.

Pregnant people dreaming of a wedding procession and funeral procession:Predicting the birth of a boy, be careful to prevent miscarriage and difficult to raise.

Those who are traveling dreamed of seeing someone's funeral procession:Suggesting to postpone going out if there is wind and rain.

People in love dreaming of a funeral procession:Stick to the end, have a successful turn.

Dreaming of a wedding procession suggests that someone in the family is going to die.

Pregnant people dreaming of meeting a wedding procession and a funeral procession:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a male. Cesarean section is safer.

Dreaming of a funeral procession suggests a death in the family.

Traveling people dreaming of funeral procession turning into a rice-planting procession:Proceeding as scheduled, smooth and safe.

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