What does it mean if you're getting married to someone else?

A traveler dreaming of getting married to someone else is advised to have a smooth trip:And to guard against loss of belongings to thieves.

A pregnant woman dreaming of marrying someone else predicts the birth of a boy; a woman in the summer:Avoiding earth moving and damaging the baby's vitality.

Doing business dreamed that someone told him that he was getting married:Representing that innovations in profit-making methods could lead to wealth and profit.

People dreaming of seeing someone telling himself that he is getting married:Means poor performance in science, affecting admission.

For a businessman to dream that his girlfriend is getting married to someone else:Represents unfavorable business operation, slow growth, and stopping business at a loss.

People dreaming of getting married to someone else in the current year mean careful at the water's edge:Cautious against villainous traps, less going out for good.

Traveling people dreaming of their favorite person to marry someone else:Suggests such as traveling, be careful in case of wind.

People dreaming of getting married to someone else:Poor performance in science, should work hard again.

Pregnant person dreamed of girlfriend wanting to marry someone else:Foretells birth of a daughter with paroxysm of pain, more maintenance.

People dreaming of their girlfriend getting married to someone else:Don't be too strong or impulsive in all matters, use softness to control rigidity, everything will be fine.

People in love dreamed that someone told him he was going to get married:Suggesting that if both sides can trust each other and do not listen to rumors, then the marriage can be accomplished.

People in business dreamed that I got married to a colleague:Representing that there is a loss first and then there is a gain, to organize and to change.

People who go to school dreaming that their lover is getting married to someone else means that their grades are not satisfactory and they fail to get on the list.

People who are traveling dreaming of getting married to a fake man:Suggests going out smoothly out of the country.

People who are traveling dreamed that their lover is getting married to someone else:Suggests choosing another date to go out.

People in love dreamed of their girlfriend getting married with someone else:As long as the female parent agrees the marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreaming that their favorite person is getting married to someone else:Suggests that they need to communicate and understand each other in order to get along satisfactorily.

Pregnant people dreaming of seeing their girlfriend getting married to someone else:Give birth to a boy, give birth to a girl in May, be careful to prevent accidental injury.

Pregnant person dreamed of seeing her ex-boyfriend getting married to someone else:Giving birth to a girl. In the fall, a man was born.

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