What does it mean to have no money for a medical checkup?

For a traveler who dreamt of a medical checkup without money:It is suggested to go out smoothly as scheduled, but will be delayed for a few days in case of rain.

For those who dreamt of seeing a medical checkup without money:It represents a pause or unfavorable business operation, and it is advisable to defend oneself.

People dreaming of medical checkups without money implies that one's performance in liberal arts is not good:But one's performance in science is better, and one is close to being admitted to a school.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a medical checkup without money predicts the birth of a boy. A girl born in June or July:Preventing premature labor.

People dreaming of not bringing money for medical checkups in the current year of life means that one should have confidence in dealing with things:And that ups and downs in the fall can be resolved.

Pregnant people dreamed that they did not bring a cell phone without money:Predicting the birth of a woman, winter occupying the birth of a man, prevent miscarriage.

Travelers dreaming of buying cakes without money:Suggests going out smoothly as expected.

People who go to school dreamed of shopping without money:Means poor performance in liberal arts, can not be admitted.

Those who dreamed of seeing a doctor without money suggest postponing the date of traveling and being careful when encountering water and fire.

People in love dreamt of seeing oneself without cell phone without money:Suggests mutual respect for each other, modest and courteous, marriage is promising.

People who travel dreamed of seeing themselves without a cell phone without money:Suggest not going out. Postponement.

People dreaming of traveling without money without documents:Means first bitter and then sweet, be patient, can get wealth and profit, promotion and upgrading.

Traveling people dream of buying shoes without money by people teasing:Suggest that in case of rain delayed, set off safe.

Traveler dreamed of traveling always without money without documents:Suggest going out smoothly as desired peace.

People dreaming of traveling without cell phone without money:Means laborious, in between the movement can not be as smooth as desired.

Pregnant people dreaming of going out without a wallet:Predicting the birth of a daughter, less go out to climb the mountain.

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