What does lover is a stranger mean

A traveler dreaming that his lover is a stranger:Hinders and delays his departure.

A pregnant person dreaming of a lover who is a stranger gives birth to a male child:And in the fall takes birth to a female child, and is careful with her diet.

Traveler dreaming of a stranger taking him to meet his lover:Suggests smooth and feasible.

Pregnant people dreaming of strangers and strangers:Give birth to a girl, prevent miscarriage.

People who are traveling dream of strangers and strangers:Going out has many ups and downs, postpone going out.

People in love dreaming of strangers beside their beds:Although there are twists and turns, lovers will be happy in the end.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a stranger killing a stranger with a gun predicts the birth of a daughter. A male child in January or February.

People in love dreamed that their lover is a stranger:Unstable mood, cold and hot, mutual trust marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dream of strangers killing strangers:Foretelling the birth of a boy, August accounted for the birth of a girl. The mother should take care of herself.

Those who dreamed of seeing a stranger cutting off a stranger's head suggest stopping in case of water and postponing the trip.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her lover turning into a stranger predicts the birth of a male child; prevent moving the earth or driving the car to move the fetus.

A traveler dreaming of a stranger being killed in a fight with a stranger is advised to go out as scheduled:With fewer changes.

People dreaming of businessmen dreaming of strangers fighting with strangers:Their business is unfavorable at first, but after rearranging, it will be more successful.

People who travel dream of dreaming strangers like lovers:Suggest winter in ice and snow unfavorable, spring and summer favorable.

People in love dreaming of strangers and strangers:Should open up the deadlock, each reflect on, have good results.

People in love dreaming of strangers are boyfriends:Suggests not afraid of obstacles finally lovers end up in love.

People in love dreaming of a lover turning into a stranger:Suggests that there is a family house first, marriage can be accomplished, and the season is prolonged.

Pregnant people dream of a stranger's car crashing into a stranger's car:Giving birth to a boy. Summer occupies the birth of a woman.

Travelers dreaming of strangers killing strangers:Suggest not to stop along the way, and be careful when encountering hot days.

People dreaming of strangers and strangers in the year of life:Luck is not yet through, do not be hasty, retreat and peace, rush into the unfavorable.

Traveling people dream of strangers get a car hit strangers get a car:With a partner to go as scheduled, otherwise delayed and then set off.

People who go to school dreaming of strangers killing strangers:Means failing to be admitted as desired, liberal arts and then strengthened.

Those who traveled dreamed of asking a stranger for directions and being questioned by a stranger:Suggesting to go out safely as scheduled.

A pregnant person dreaming of a dead stranger stranger:Foretells the birth of a daughter. A male child in January or February.

Pregnant people dreaming of strangers turning into lovers:Foretelling the birth of a boy, summer occupying the birth of a girl, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

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