Dreams about eating dates

If a traveler dreams of eating lots of honey dates:It is better not to go out.

If you dream of eating honey dates while pregnant:You should be careful not to be sabotaged even though things are going well and progressing slowly.

People in business dreamed of eating a lot of jujubes:Business is going well and making money, but progress is slow.

People in love dreamed of eating a lot of jujubes:Although there are small people from the sabotage, misunderstanding can be clarified.

People in love dreamed of eating honey dates while pregnant; their temperament is hard to tolerate; mutual forbearance will make their marriage a success.

Pregnant people dreaming of honey dates and walnuts:Give birth to a man, be careful with water and fire, also avoid moving earth, moving the fetus.

Pregnant people dreaming of dried vegetables and duck kidneys with honey dates in soup:Giving birth to a girl, be careful to prevent fetal death in the womb.

Pregnant person dreamed of eating bean paste honey date dumplings:Foretelling the birth of a male, spring occupying the birth of a female postponed a few days delivery.

Doing business dreamed of eating bean paste honey date dumplings:Representing from good to bad, property loss, best to refurbish the internal operation again.

People dreaming of eating a lot of jujube dumplings represent poor performance in liberal arts and better performance in science:But it is difficult to fulfill one's wish.

If a businessman dreams of eating jujubes:He will lose money if there are many obstacles at first, but he will gain money if he has confidence.

If a traveler dreams of eating honey dates and mutton:He will be delayed for a few days before traveling.

Pregnant people dreaming of eating a lot of jujubes:Giving birth to a boy, summer occupying the birth of a girl, mother's safety, son unfavorable.

If you dream of honey dates and mutton:You will not be able to fulfill your wishes.

Those who go to school dreaming of honey dates and walnuts:Failing to get good grades, failing to be admitted. A girl's school is favorable.

A traveler dreaming of counting jujubes is advised to stop in case of water and postpone the trip.

A traveler dreaming of picking up jujubes is advised to stop when encountering wind and postpone going out.

When a businessman dreams of eating jujubes with others:It means that there is money to be made and expenses to be incurred, and it is difficult to gather wealth, so pay attention to feng shui dwellings.

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