Dreaming of jicama

A pregnant person dreaming of the genus jicama foretells the birth of a daughter and avoids moving the earth. The mother's body should be taken care of.

Dreaming of sweet potatoes means one subject is poor:But one can expect to be admitted.

Doing business dreamed of sweet potatoes:Represents smooth as expected, have wealth and profit, money in and out carefully.

Pregnant people dreaming of sweet potatoes:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring occupies the birth of a man, avoid moving the earth, cutting wood.

People dreaming of beans and potatoes in the year of life:Means that the spring will be pleased and smooth, and then smooth, careful to guard against lawsuits.

Dreaming of jicama genus:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky color is purple, wealth in the northwest direction, peach blossom bit in the due west direction, lucky number is 1, lucky food is the Lantern.

Dreaming of white rice paper - Dreaming of white rice paper is a good omen.

Dreaming of a parasol — — Dreaming of a parasol is a good omen. A married man dreaming of a parasol has a quiet home environment and a happy life. A married woman dreaming of an umbrella makes her feel that everything is going well and she has no worries. An unmarried man or woman dreaming of a parasol will find the man of her dreams.

To dream of beans is an auspicious omen. A man dreaming of beans will live a happy and rich life. A woman dreaming of beans will be a good assistant to her husband.

Dreaming of crutches - For a man to dream of crutches:Life is hard. For a woman to dream of crutches, thieves or robbers will visit her house. But the old man dreaming of crutches, will live a happy, comfortable and peaceful life in his old age. A sick man dreaming of crutches will recover slowly.

To dream of a parrot flying.

Patient dreaming of singing:Health can be restored. A prisoner dreaming of singing, will be released. A merchant dreaming of singing, a sudden depression in business.

To dream of timber:Is an omen of wealth. To dream of transporting wood, will be given a raise. To dream of transporting wood, will be promoted in office. To dream of seeing a huge log, is an omen of loss of wealth.

For a man to dream of frogs:To be ill. For a woman to dream of frogs, expenses increase dramatically. A merchant dreaming of frogs, to lose money in business.

To dream of putting out a fire:To dream of putting out a fire, will be in good health.

A worker dreaming of a manuscript will be honored. Unemployed person dreaming of a manuscript will get a job.

A businessman dreaming of buying shoes will soon go on a trip.

To dream of woolen thread:To be rich. For a woman to dream of woolen thread, to be in labor.

To dream of ropes:Will live long. For a woman to dream of ropes, she will never be separated from her husband. For a man to dream of preparing ropes, he will be shy. A woman dreaming of making ropes will be imprisoned. A prisoner dreaming of making ropes will be taken care of by prison officials. A farmer dreaming of preparing ropes will experience a drought that will lead to a reduction in grain production. To dream of thread and rope, to go on a long trip. To dream of climbing a rope to a house, will be promoted.

To dream of eating rice:To be in a particularly happy mood because of making a lot of money. A married woman dreaming of eating rice is going into labor. An unmarried man dreaming of eating rice will soon tie the knot. A sick man dreaming of eating rice will soon recover.

To dream of ropes and cords:One will live a long life. To dream of a thick rope, one will be rich. A woman dreaming of ropes will never be separated from her husband. For a man to dream of preparing ropes, he will be shy.

A pregnant woman dreaming of swimming across a river will encounter difficulties. To dream that your wife swims across a river:Your husband and wife will be estranged. To dream that a friend swims across a river, his friend will abandon him. Dreaming of enemies swimming across a river, will be able to subdue enemies.

A man dreaming of pearls will have his income reduced. A woman dreaming of pearls will lose her jewelry.

Dreaming of an iron pen - Dreaming of an iron pen:Prestige.

For a soldier to dream of a halberd and goad is an auspicious omen.

For a woman to dream of precious stones is auspicious. For a man to dream of precious stones is bad luck.

A woman dreaming of pulling out teeth will soon buy a house and land. A woman dreaming of pulling out teeth will have a good life. For a businessman to dream of pulling out teeth is a good sign of a profitable business. A farmer's dream of pulling out teeth is a good harvest. A dream of a toothache makes one rich.

People dreaming of beans and potatoes in this year of life means that one should not be double-minded:Unstable mood, nothing will be accomplished, and less going out.

Dreaming of pustules on the tip of the nose:Will be promoted by the leader.

Dreaming of timber is an omen of wealth. To dream of transporting timber:One will be given a raise.

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