What's the omen of being blocked from going to school

A person who goes to school dreams of chicken feathers and is hindered by difficulties and fails to fulfill his wishes.

A person who goes to school dreaming of digging is hindered by difficulties and fails to get what he wants.

A person who goes to school dreamt of beans:Difficulties and obstacles.

A dream come true for a school student.

A student's dream about liver:Difficulties and obstacles.

A student dreamt of catching a crab; difficulties and obstacles prevented him from getting what he wanted.

A student dreamed of being chased by a ghost in the north; difficulties were hindered and he failed to get what he wanted.

A dream of a school going man that he has a lot of fire:Difficulties are hindered and he fails to get what he wants.

A dream of burning to death in a dream was obstructed by difficulties and was not realized.

A dream of throwing cups in the air is hindered by difficulties and is not realized.

A dream of buying a diamond ring is hindered by difficulties and fails to realize one's wish.

People dreaming of lizard and kung fu:An oral examination is hindered, beware of it, close to the admission results.

People dreaming of going to school dreamed of farting with a person:Difficulties and obstacles, failing to get what one wishes for.

A dream of a school student seeing his joblessness is hindered by difficulties:And he fails to get what he wants.

A student dreaming of being successful in a job is hindered by difficulties and is not able to get what he wants.

A dream come true for a student who is being impersonated; difficulties and obstacles stand in the way.

A student dreaming of red lips is hindered from getting what he wants.

A dream of a student seeing a large piece of beautiful jade is hindered by difficulties.

A student's dream of a strawberry mousse is thwarted.

A dream of a school student seeing a cicada shedding its skin is hindered by difficulties and is not realized.

A dream of a school student seeing a station with its back turned to the devil.

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