Gouge out the tiger's eye What does it mean

People who dream of gouging out a tiger's eyes while traveling are advised to postpone their trip if there are many obstacles.

People in love dreaming of gouging out a tiger's eyes suggests that a matchmaker's help could lead to marriage.

People in business dreamed of gouging out a tiger's eyes:Representing too many twists and turns and too many obstacles, heaven's destiny need not be taken into account.

For those who dreamed of gouging out a tiger's eyes:It means that one cannot be admitted to the school as one wishes to be, and one should strengthen one's knowledge in liberal arts.

Pregnant people dreaming of gouging out a tiger's eyes:Predicting the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, avoid moving the earth to damage the fetus.

Those who dreamed of gouging out their daughter's eyes suggested delaying the trip in case of wind and rain.

People dreaming of gouging out their daughter's eyes in the year of their birth implies more chances of traveling or relocation of address:And family turmoil.

People in love dreaming of gouging out their own eyes means mutual respect for each other:Modesty and courtesy, marriage is promising.

Pregnant people dreaming of gouging out their daughter's eyes:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man!

People who go to school dreaming of gouging out their daughter's eyes means that they can be admitted to the school but fail to enter the desired school.

People dreaming of gouging out their daughter's eyes represent that their wealth and manpower have increased:But they are not able to fulfill their wishes.

Pregnant people dreaming of someone's eyes being gouged out:Predicting the birth of a boy, be cautious of miscarriage, avoid moving earth.

Pregnant people dreaming of being gouged out by their mother:Predicting the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a male, avoid moving the earth, logging.

Pregnant people dreamed of fighting and gouging out their mother's eyes:Predicting the birth of a male, August accounted for the birth of a female, be careful not to bleed too much, the mother's body is not safe.

A pregnant woman dreaming of gouging out her mother's eyes in a fight predicted the birth of a boy; a pregnant woman dreaming of gouging out her mother's eyes in a fight predicted the birth of a girl in August.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her son's eyes being gouged out predicts the birth of a boy. A woman in March or April:Prevent miscarriage.

A businessman dreaming of seeing his mother's eyes being gouged out in a fight represents stable operation:No changes. Smooth, not much money.

Those who dreamed of seeing a cat's eyes gouged out and bleeding:Encountered rain obstacles, delayed and then traveled.

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