I dreamt that my girlfriend left me

A pregnant woman dreaming of her girlfriend leaving her:Foretells sabotage and difficulties in five years of operation.

A pregnant woman dreaming that her girlfriend is planning to leave her predicts the birth of a daughter. Be careful with the fetus.

A person in love dreaming of seeing his girlfriend fall into the water and leave him suggests that he may expect to get married.

A person in love dreaming of his girlfriend leaving him:Suggests willingness and honesty to get along with marriage can be accomplished.

Traveling person dreamed of girlfriend left me seven days:Suggest postponing going out is better.

Pregnant person dreamed of seeing his girlfriend leaving me:Predicted that he could expect to give birth to a girl, and in the fall, he expected to give birth to a boy.

Pregnant person dreamed of seeing his girlfriend leave me:Predicting the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, preventing the earth to move the fetus.

Doing business dreamed that his girlfriend left:On behalf of can get wealth and profit, be careful to prevent friends betrayal of trust (master, guest) to fight lawsuits.

The person who dreamed of seeing his girlfriend leaving me:Means not promotion and salary increase, there is tongue and right and wrong happen, ignore can also.

Pregnant people dreamed that their girlfriend left me on the first day of the year:Predicting the birth of a daughter, and the birth of a man in spring. Do not carry heavy burdens, prevent falls.

This year's people dreamed that his girlfriend fell into the water and left the world:It means that the smooth get wealth, but the north or the water side less to go, be careful.

If you dream that your girlfriend passed away and left me:It means that you will not be able to enter your ideal school as you wish. If you have confidence, you can start again.

For a businessman to dream that his girlfriend has left me:It means that he will be able to get rich naturally if things go smoothly. Be cautious of changes.

Doing business dreamed that his girlfriend left me in the dream:Representing the fall accounted for wealth and profit, nobleman help success. Summer occupies the loss of wealth.

If a pregnant person dreams that her girlfriend passed away and left me:It means that she will get a man in spring and fall, and a woman in summer.

People in love dreaming of a girlfriend abandoning me:Suggesting that outward decorations, but not better than the inner containment, it is appropriate to trust each other marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed that his girlfriend fell into the water and left the world:Representing money to be made, hard work, be patient and profitable.

Traveling people dreamed of girlfriend fell into the water and left the world:Suggest to postpone two months to go out again is good.

People who go to school dreamed that his girlfriend left me:Means more efforts to change the method of reading, have unexpected effect.

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