What does it mean when you dream of giving yourself a funeral?

A traveler dreaming of giving himself a funeral is advised to be careful of fire and postpone the trip.

A pregnant woman dreaming of giving herself a funeral service while she is still alive is predicting the birth of a boy. A woman would be born in spring.

Pregnant person dreamed of organizing a funeral for her grandmother and burying herself with her:Giving birth to a male child, avoid moving the earth to move the fetus.

Those who dreamed of organizing a funeral for someone in their own home suggested postponing their departure for some reason.

People who go to school dreamed of organizing a funeral for themselves:Implying poor performance in science, difficult to be admitted.

People who dreamt of organizing a funeral in a house other than one's own dreamed of traveling smoothly as scheduled.

People in business dreaming of having a funeral also have a funeral:Represents that one should invest at first and then recoup the profit later.

People in love dreaming of their own home for others to organize funerals:Indicates that the marriage is mature, the best spouse, marriage can be accomplished.

People who dreamed of organizing a funeral for their grandmother and burying themselves with her:Insisting on their own views and being stubborn and strong will lead to losses.

People dreaming of giving a funeral to others in one's own home means that one subject in literature is poor and cannot be admitted as it is.

Those who dreamed of organizing a funeral for a family member while traveling are advised to delay their departure.

A traveler dreaming of organizing a funeral for his deceased mother-in-law is advised to go out peacefully.

Traveling people dreaming of holding a funeral for a grandmother at home:Suggest going smoothly as desired and traveling as scheduled.

Pregnant people dreaming of organizing a funeral for their grandma:Predicting the birth of a male child, do not move the fetus.

People dreaming of having a funeral at home for someone else in their current year of life:Means smooth sailing, letting bygones be bygones and taking a new step forward.

Those who dreamed of organizing a funeral for a deceased person on a trip suggest changing the itinerary for the better.

For a businessman to dream of giving a funeral service to someone who is not dead:Represents a favorable winter and a loss later on, and the business stops because of a poor operation.

People traveling dreamed of giving their father a funeral:Suggest delaying departure, there is wind.

People in love dreaming of oneself having a funeral and others having a funeral:Suggesting that concepts are difficult to communicate and backtracking. Difficult to find.

People who are traveling dreamed of organizing a funeral for a deceased grandmother:Suggest going out as scheduled.

People in business dreamed of seeing family members organizing funeral for themselves:Representing wealth and profit, business is slightly hindered, preventing lawsuits.

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