Dreaming of the same exam

A pregnant woman dreaming of taking the same exam would give birth to a girl; a man would be born in the spring; a woman suffering from a disease would be a good idea to take care of herself.

If you dream of taking the same exam:You may not be able to succeed, but you should think twice before proceeding, and it would be better to guard than to advance.

People dreaming of the same exam:Career change or purchase of real estate, joyful.

People in love dreaming of the same exam:Don't quarrel for small things, too strong person hard to match into a pair.

People in business dream of always the same scene and the same role:Representing marriage does not work.

People in love dreaming of missing an exam and crying a lot:Indicating that the ups and downs, hot and cold is difficult to measure, grasp.

Dreaming of one exam after another:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the wealth position is in the east direction, the peach blossom position is in the northwest direction, the lucky number is 7, the lucky color is black, the lucky food is tomato.

This year people dream of the same scene many times:Remove unnecessary worries, should be in the mood to let go, it is appropriate to guard not to enter.

People in love dreaming of always the same scene and the same role:Indicating that there is no fear of obstacles to the lovers.

Pregnant people dreaming of always the same scene the same role:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, be careful to prevent miscarriage, more than the due date.

People in love dreaming of old themselves exam:Indicating that the age of women than men, after a storm before the end.

People in love dreaming of an exam after an exam:Suggesting that being kept in the dark, covering up shortcomings, there is a risk of regret.

People in love dreaming of missing an exam for a high number indicates that the age of a woman is greater than that of a man:And that there will be an end only after a storm.

People who go to school dreaming of missing an exam cry a lot:Means that the liberal arts or oral examination more careful. Otherwise it is difficult to be admitted.

People in love dream of seeing the same scene many times:Although they can talk about each other's inner words, but someone sabotages.

Pregnant people dreaming of missing an exam and crying:Predicting the birth of a daughter, spring taking the birth of a man, pay attention to nutrition.

Pregnant people dream of seeing the same scene many times:Give birth to a girl, spring accounted for the birth of a man, do not overwork, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

People dreaming of the same scene in the current year of life:Means joyful events, wealth and profit, be careful when going out, verbal disputes.

Pregnant people dreaming of myself appearing in the same scene:Predicting the birth of a man, do not approach the water's edge, prevent miscarriage.

People in love dream of often with the same strange man ambiguous:Indicating that the age of women than men, after a storm before the end.

People in love dream that their son passed the exam:Indicating that the age of the woman is greater than the man, after a storm before the end.

People who are traveling dream of interviews one after another:Suggest not going out. Postponement.

People dreaming of myself appearing in the same scene means to have confidence in dealing with things:There are ups and downs in the fall, but also can be dissolved.

People in love dreaming of several times in the same place blurred:Indicating that the age of female than male, after a storm before the end.

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