What does it mean to get into Tsinghua by yourself?

People who are traveling dreaming of being admitted to Tsinghua University:Suggesting that rain will stop and postpone going out again.

Those who are traveling dreamed that they were admitted to Tsinghua University:Suggesting smooth and safe journey, summer occupation is unfavorable.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing their cousin enter Tsinghua University:Predicting the birth of a boy, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

People who are traveling dreamed of being admitted to Tsinghua University graduate school:Suggest not to go out for good.

A pregnant woman dreaming of entering Tsinghua University predicts the birth of a boy. A girl will be born in August.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being admitted to Tsinghua University predicts the birth of a girl. A boy in spring.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being admitted to Tsinghua University by a few points predicts the birth of a girl; a man in winter prevents a miscarriage.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being admitted to Tsinghua University is expected to give birth to a boy; her mother's body will be weak and she will give birth to a girl in spring.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being admitted to Tsinghua University predicts the birth of a boy; a girl in summer. Be careful not to move the earth or move the fetus.

Dreaming of being admitted to Tsinghua University:Means starting a business and getting wealth, smooth as expected, be careful against thieves and small people's designs.

People dreaming of my sister being admitted to Tsinghua in the current year implies big changes:Big losses, and attention to safety when going out and traveling.

Those who are traveling dreamed that their son got admitted to Tsinghua University:Suggest abiding by the rules of traveling. Do not change the journey.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her son getting admitted to Tsinghua University predicts the birth of a daughter:While a man is born in the winter.

Pregnant people dreamed of seeing her son enter Tsinghua University in her forties:Predicting the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man, women's diseases, advisable to take care of.

A businessman dreaming of being admitted to Tsinghua University represents slow progress and slight profit. It can be maintained.

A businessman dreaming of seeing his cousin being admitted to Tsinghua University represents that it will be favorable in the fall and always be good:But attention should be paid to lawsuits in the process.

A person dreaming of being admitted to Tsinghua University in his current year of life implies that he should act reasonably:His luck has ups and downs, and he should be cautious to get a smooth ride.

People in love dreamed that their son was admitted to Tsinghua University:Suggesting that it is not acute, slowly communicate and understand each other can be accomplished.

People dreaming of being admitted to Tsinghua University in the year of their birth means that everything is unfavorable and there is a disaster of injury.

Doing business dreamed he was in his forties and got admitted to Tsinghua University:It means that he will get wealth in spring and unfavorable wealth in summer.

Doing business dreamed that his sister was admitted to Tsinghua University:On behalf of not having big investment, suitable to keep the old not home suitable to enter.

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