Dreaming of my darling ignoring me

If you are traveling and dream that your darling is ignoring me:You are advised to be in bad mood and go out less.

Pregnant people dreaming of ignoring me:Predicting the birth of a boy, summer months, a girl, be careful to prevent accidents.

Doing business dreamed that my darling ignored me:On behalf of more discussion of gains and losses, and then improve can hope to make money and profit.

People in love dreaming of ignoring my darling:Suggests that after a quarrel, after the defense of mutual improvement, also counted as destiny.

People dreaming of ignoring me mean that the beginning of the year is not very smooth:Do not be too rigid that can be as smooth as you wish.

People dreaming of going to school dreaming of ignoring my ex-boyfriend willing to pay attention to me:Means that the results are not satisfactory, difficult to be admitted.

People in love dreamed that their crush ignored me:Suggesting that they may hope to get married.

Pregnant people dreaming of a dead father ignoring me:Predicting the birth of a boy, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreaming of a rich man ignoring me predicts the birth of a girl.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her former lover ignoring me predicts the birth of a daughter; do not approach the water.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her mother ignoring me predicts the birth of a boy.

A traveler dreaming of a familiar boss ignoring me:Suggests a smooth trip as expected.

A traveler dreaming of his ex-wife's nephew ignoring me is advised to travel as expected and bring rain gear.

People who dreamt of traveling dreamt of late grandfather ignoring me:Advised to be careful when encountering water, returned home safely.

People who go to school dreaming of classmates ignoring me:Smooth, not as ideal school.

People who go to school dreamed of seeing opposite sex friend ignoring me:Arts subject is poor, not good grades.

People traveling dreamed of dreaming of lover with umbrella ignoring me:Smooth and feasible.

People in love dreamed of ignoring my girlfriend ignored me:Indicates that as long as mutual communication, not conflict of opinion.

Pregnant person dreamed of seeing former girlfriend ignoring me:Predicting the birth of a daughter, smooth, mother and child peace.

Pregnant person dreaming of seeing her late husband ignoring me:Foretells the birth of a daughter, be careful of fire and water.

Pregnant person dreamed of seeing her late grandfather ignoring me:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful to avoid moving the fetus.

People dreaming of a teacher ignoring me:Not getting good grades, not being admitted.

People who go to school dreamed of seeing their former boss ignoring me:Again is not ideal.

Traveling dreamer dreamed of son ignoring me:Better postpone going out again.

A traveler dreaming of my disliked roommate ignoring me:Traveling as scheduled.

Pregnant person dreamed that her girlfriend called her darling:Give birth to a boy.

People in business dreamed that a good friend who ignored me ignored me again:Representing that it is late to get wealth, and it is important not to be in a hurry.

People who go to school dreamed of seeing a familiar boss ignoring me:Means to be admitted as expected.

People who go to school dreaming of seeing a former boyfriend ignoring me:Emotionally unstable, unsatisfactory grades.

Going to school dreamed that a roommate with whom I have a bad relationship ignores me:Two subjects are not ideal, come back next year.

Going to school dreamed of seeing my dear doing bad things:Means two subjects are not ideal, come back next year.

Traveling person dreamed of seeing former boss ignoring me:Sandy wind, temporarily postponed to set off again.

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