Dreams about snake bites on fingers

People traveling dreaming of dreaming of a snake biting their finger are advised not to go out and choose another time and day to depart.

Traveling people dreaming of dreaming of a poisonous snake biting a finger with a snake's tail stabbing:Suggest postponing going out on another date.

Traveling people dreaming of dreaming of snake bites on fingers:Suggests may go out smoothly, be careful by the water.

Pregnant people dreaming of a snake biting their fingers are foretelling the birth of a male child:While springtime accounts for the birth of a female child. Beware of strange tumors.

Pregnant people dreaming of snake biting their fingers predicts birth of a girl:Spring occupies birth of a boy. Beware of miscarriage.

Traveling people dreaming dream black cat bite finger not let go:Suggest hot weather less go out, in winter travel.

People who go to school dreaming of dreaming of black cat biting finger not letting go:Means that the grades are qualified, there is hope for admission.

People dreaming of snake bites finger:Means nobleman help, have confidence, smooth get wealth and profit.

Traveling people dreaming of being bitten by a snake on the finger:Suggests delaying departure, return home safely.

People dreaming of snake bites in a businessman's dream:Represents a threefold profit.

Pregnant people dreaming of snakes biting their fingers:Give birth to a boy, summer occupying the birth of a girl.

Travelers dreaming of a green snake biting their fingers and bleeding more than once:Suggests delaying departure in case of rain.

Pregnant people dreaming of snake biting their fingers:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be cautious of fetal position is not about to be operated on.

Traveling people dreaming of snake bites finger bleeding:Suggests encountering water be careful, safe return home.

Travelers dreaming of dreaming their fingers were bitten by a green snake bleeding:Suggest waiting for the fall and winter seasons to travel again.

People who go to school dreamed of dreaming that they and their father were bitten by snakes on their fingers:Implying that the results of science subjects are unsatisfactory, affecting the admission results.

Pregnant people dreaming of being bitten by snakes:Predicting the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man, avoid cutting wood and moving earth, miscarriage.

People who go to school dreamed of snake bites finger:Means can not be admitted as desired.

Those who dreamed of seeing their daughter's fingers bitten by snakes on a trip suggest stopping and delaying departure in case of rain.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a flower snake biting her finger predicts the birth of a daughter:Be careful not to move the fetus.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a woman's snake biting her finger predicts the birth of a daughter; do not do heavy work.

Traveling people dreamed of snake biting finger and bleeding:Suggests wind and rain is big then delay travel.

A traveler dreaming of a snake biting his finger suggests postponing a trip in case of rain.

A traveler dreaming of a snake biting his finger and bleeding is advised to go out between fall and winter.

A traveler dreaming of being bitten by a snake and not letting go of his finger is advised to postpone going out in case of rain.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a small yellow snake biting her finger predicts the birth of a daughter.

Those who dreamed of a woman being bitten by a snake on the finger suggest postponing the trip in case of rain.

People dreaming of a snake biting their fingers and bleeding:Representing slow progress, wealth can be gained.

Pregnant people dreaming of a woman's finger bitten by a snake:Predicting the birth of a daughter, do not approach the water.

Pregnant people dreaming of being chased by snakes and bitten by snakes:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, be careful to prevent fetal position is not about to be operated on.

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