What does it mean to always be unable to cross the river?

Doing business dreamed of crossing a river that is always inaccessible:Representing poor management, big losses, should temporarily retreat.

Those who are traveling dreamed of crossing a river and could not get across:Suggest to delay one or two days before departure.

Pregnant people dreaming of crossing a river and not being able to do so:Predicting the birth of a boy, autumn occupying the birth of a girl, do not go to the netherworld cemetery.

People dreaming of going to school dreamed of crossing a river but could not get across:It means that it is not ideal, it is better to try harder, but it is even more unfavorable in the summer.

People dreaming of crossing a river in the year of their birth mean that their luck is not good:And they should be careful with their diet and seek blessings from heaven.

If a pregnant woman dreams of crossing a river and can't get through with wet feet:She is predicting the birth of a male child, and in the spring she is expecting a female child. Beware of strange tumors.

If a businessman dreams of crossing a river with wet feet:It means that the operation will be unfavorable at the beginning, but will go smoothly after slowly getting on the track.

Pregnant people dreaming of crossing a river and going back:Predicting the birth of a daughter, spring month accounted for the birth of a man, peace.

People dreaming of crossing a river and not being able to cross it suddenly means that most things will not go well:And that lawsuits will be difficult to avoid, but the end of the year will be auspicious.

Those who are traveling dreamt of a pit that cannot be crossed:Suggesting postponement of departure.

People dreaming of crossing a river and going back means that the momentum is halfway gone and there is no way to turn the tide:So it is better to guard than to enter.

Doing business dreamed of crossing the river hanging in mid-air:On behalf of the favorable flow of business, currently there are obstacles, summer is better.

This year's people dream of crossing the river but the river rises can not pass:Means that there is honesty, close to the good wisdom and sincerity, then there is good luck, can not be stubborn.

People dreaming of crossing a river without a bridge mean that their family's luck is not going well:And their husband and wife have relationship problems, or they suffer from theft and loss of wealth.

Doing business dreamed of crossing a river and not being able to cross:Wealth and profit can be obtained, have confidence and not afraid of difficulties can be successful.

If a traveler dreams of crossing a river:He is advised to delay his departure.

Traveling people dreaming of crossing a river many people ask me for money:Suggest to choose another date to go out again.

A pregnant woman dreaming of crossing a river without a bridge predicts the birth of a daughter. In the fall:A man will be born.

Pregnant people dreaming of crossing a river but the river is too high to cross:Predicting that the first child will be a man and the second child will be a man, and the first child will be a woman and the second child will be a woman.

If you dream of crossing a river but can't get through with wet feet:There are a lot of tedious things to do, so calm down and deal with them. There is a sense of solidity in your heart that makes you not want to seek other stimuli. You can't just spend money on impulse, but you should also make good financial planning! Your performance will impress everyone!

People in love dream of crossing the river without a bridge:Indicating mutual respect for each other, modest and courteous, marriage is expected.

People dreaming of crossing a river with wet feet can't get through:Means more labor and suffering, have the heart of perseverance, can hope for a good result.

Doing business dreamed of crossing the river suddenly big muddy water can't get through:On behalf of wealth and profit, business a little obstacle, prevent lawsuits.

Doing business dreamed of crossing the river can't go back again:Represents the market price rise, profit small, first loss after gain, from new reorganization business.

People dreaming of traveling dreamed of crossing a bridge and not being able to cross:Suggesting that it can be carried out smoothly.

People in love dreaming of crossing a river hanging in mid-air can't get through:Suggests that some misunderstanding, it is advisable to resolve early, otherwise it is difficult to get together.

People in love dreaming of crossing a river suddenly can't get through big muddy water:Suggesting that outward decorations, not better than the inner containment, suitable for mutual trust marriage can be accomplished.

If a pregnant woman dreams of crossing a river:She will give birth to a baby girl, which is related to her ancestor's grave.

People in love dreaming of crossing a river and going back:Suggesting willingness to get along with each other in good faith, marriage can be accomplished.

Dreaming of crossing the river is always unable to cross:Today your emotions may fall into a low tide. Originally still very confident to do things, today will find meaningless, which makes you frustrated very much.

People dreaming of crossing the river can't get through a lot of people ask me for money:Means that you can't be too happy to be sad, everything is prudent to consider thoroughly before proceeding.

People in love dreaming of crossing the river is always unable to cross:Indicating that there are small people to destroy or no meaning to be a husband and wife, to friends only.

Pregnant people dreaming of crossing a river hanging in mid-air and not being able to cross it:Foretelling that they will get a woman in spring and a man in winter.

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