Omens of chickens in dreams

A traveler dreaming of a chicken omen suggests delaying a trip in case of rain or wind.

A pregnant woman dreaming of chickens predicts the birth of a male child:But both mother and child are weak, beware of miscarriage.

For those who are in love:Dreaming of a chicken omen suggests perseverance and a chance of success.

For those who dreamt of chickens:This omen represents wealth and profit in real estate. If you don't listen to false rumors, you will be able to make a profit.

People dreaming of chickens omen:Means science results are good, oral examination of arts results are poor, not as desired.

Dreaming of a rich bamboo:Good omen, is an omen of wealth.

Dreaming of giving something away:Good omen, is an omen of good luck.

To dream of chickens in the year of one's life means reviewing the past and planning for the future.

To dream of saffron is an omen of wealth.

To dream of a dragon king is a good omen of wealth.

To dream of bleeding teeth:Bad omen, an omen of family illness.

Dreaming of robbing a grave:Good omen, an omen of getting rich.

To dream of playing basketball:Good omen, an omen of high energy.

To dream of a white snake:An auspicious omen of wealth.

To dream of a cactus:An auspicious omen, an omen of good fortune.

To dream of buying a purse:An auspicious omen of fortune.

To dream of black smoke:Ominous, an omen of sickness.

To dream of almonds:An omen of harvest.

To dream of bleeding nose:Ominous, an omen of sickness.

To dream of sweating:An ill omen, an omen of sickness.

To dream of cutting leeks:An ill omen, an omen of sickness.

To dream of urinating is an omen of sickness.

Dreaming of picking gold jewelry:Auspicious omen, an omen of wealth.

Dreaming of barber store:Auspicious omen, is an omen of wealth.

To dream of a wedding ring:Bad omen, an omen of sickness.

To dream of cremation:An omen of wealth.

To dream of a white toad:Good omen, an omen of fortune.

Dreaming of picking mushrooms:Good omen, an omen of a happy life.

Dreaming of buying duck eggs:Good omen, an omen of wealth.

Dreaming of someone pooping:Auspicious omen, an omen of wealth.

Dreaming of burning plutonium:Auspicious omen, an omen of wealth.

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