Meaning of dreaming that someone's child is possessed by a ghost

A traveler dreaming of another person's child being possessed by a ghost suggests setting out on another trip.

A pregnant woman dreaming of another man's child being possessed by a ghost predicts the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in winter. Be careful when climbing up.

People dreaming of seeing other people's children possessed by ghosts mean that they answered too many questions wrongly and their grades failed to reach the admission mark.

For those in love:Dreaming that someone's child is possessed by a ghost, means that as long as there is mutual trust, marriage can be accomplished. There are joyful celebrations in the fall.

For a businessman to dream of another man's child being possessed by a ghost:Represents that a small business can be profitable, and it doesn't matter if the progress is slow.

A pregnant woman dreaming of seeing the body of another man's child being eaten by a dog predicts the birth of a daughter. Be careful not to move the fetus:Go to the west less.

People in business dreamed of holding someone else's child and being scolded:Representing uncertainty, it is advisable to hold on to success or suspend operation.

Those who traveled dreamed of dropping someone else's child:Suggesting delaying the departure.

Traveler dreaming of holding someone else's child:Suggests postponing in case of rain.

Traveling people dreaming of dropping someone else's child:Suggest postponing the trip for a few days.

People who go to school dreaming of seeing someone else's child's body being eaten by a dog implies that one's heart is not in a hurry and one will be admitted smoothly.

People who are traveling dreamed of seeing someone else's child die:Suggests smooth and safe as one wishes.

Pregnant person dreamed of hurting someone else's child:Predicts giving birth to a boy, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Traveling people dreamed that someone was possessed by a ghost:Suggests smooth and safe as one wishes.

People in love dreamed that the child was possessed by a ghost and died:Suggesting that the mood is unstable, hot and cold, trust each other marriage can be accomplished.

Traveling people dreamed of stealing someone else's child:Suggests smooth, out of no harm.

Pregnant person dreamed of reporting someone else's child:Predicted the birth of a daughter, postponed the date of delivery.

A pregnant woman dreaming of stealing another man's child foretells the birth of a boy:But her health is not good.

Doing business dreamed that someone was possessed by a ghost:On behalf of the phenomenon of changing profession and line of business, it is advisable to be more careful, otherwise the loss will be greater.

Travelers dreaming of losing someone else's child:Suggest postponing trip

Businessman dreaming of dropping someone else's child:Represents intermediary obtaining wealth, grasping a good opportunity.

Traveling people dreamed of seeing someone else's child's body being eaten by a dog:Suggesting delaying departure in case of cloudy weather or something preventing departure.

Pregnant people dreaming of holding someone else's child and being scolded:Predicting the birth of a male child, be cautious of difficult labor.

Traveling people dreamed of seeing a child being possessed by a ghost and dying:Suggesting a smooth round trip.

A pregnant woman dreaming of having someone else's child in her bed is predicting the birth of a girl; she should exercise restraint.

A traveler dreaming of reporting someone else's child suggests a smooth journey.

A traveler dreaming of holding someone else's child:Less going out, advisable to postpone.

Traveling person dreaming of I am someone else's child:Suggests postponing departure again for some reason.

Traveling person dreamed of seeing someone else's child demon possessed:Suggest postponing the trip

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