What does it mean when a coworker calls

If you dream of a coworker making a phone call while you are traveling:You can go out smoothly and come back safely.

A pregnant person dreaming of a coworker making a phone call will give birth to a male child:While a female child will be born in spring and summer.

Pregnant people dreaming of coworkers calling:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

People in business dreamed of female coworkers calling me:Representing marriage failure.

Traveling people dreaming of former colleagues call me:Suggests traveling as scheduled, smooth.

Traveling people dreamed of and coworkers call:Suggest that it is best to find a companion to travel, can go out.

Going to school dreamed of male coworkers call:Means smooth admission, liberal arts to more attentively study.

Doing business dreamed of coworker call:In many obstacles can not profit, then planning.

Traveling person dreamed of calling original female colleague:Suggests going out smoothly as expected.

Pregnant people dreaming of coworkers calling with umbrellas:Foretells that spring occupies a female, winter occupies a male smoothly.

People dreaming of going to school dreaming of a coworker making a phone call with an umbrella:Implying a smooth admission.

People dreaming of calling a coworker's husband means poor grades and failure to be admitted.

Going to school dreamed of calling a coworker:Means two subjects are unsatisfactory, come back next year.

Pregnant people dreaming of a company colleague calling me:Predicting the birth of a boy, be careful to prevent difficult labor.

Pregnant person dreamed of former coworkers call me:Give birth to a girl, be careful at the water's edge, be cautious against miscarriage.

Traveling people dreamed of colleagues letting themselves not call:Suggest as scheduled, smooth and safe.

Pregnant people dreaming of coworkers keep calling me:Predicting the birth of a daughter, or a sister before and after.

Traveling people dreamed of male colleagues call:Suggest that there is a wind will stop, delay and then set off.

Traveling people dreamed of female colleague calling me:Suggest that there are many obstacles, postpone and then travel.

Traveler dreamed of colleague call for help:Suggest less go out for good, postpone go out with rain gear.

People dreaming of coworkers call:Not impulsive, courageous, cautious against villainous trap.

People in love dreamed of company coworkers call me:Indicating that after many tests

Pregnant person dreamed of and male coworker call:Predicts birth male, cautious guard against moving the fetus and loss.

People in business dreamed of male coworkers calling me to express love:Representing marriage not to be.

Traveling people dreamed of dreaming and colleagues call to talk about work:Suggests in case of wind and fog postponement and then travel.

Pregnant people dreaming of male coworkers calling:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful not to wind and cold.

Pregnant people dreaming of calling a female coworker's husband:Predicting the birth of a boy, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

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