What does it mean when you dream of crossing a river and your shoes falling off?

If you dream of crossing a river and your shoes falling off:It means that you will suffer more losses, and you should not be too confident of big losses.

People in love dreaming of crossing the river shoes fell off:Suggesting that do not get carried away, strong personality is difficult to round things.

Those who dreamed of crossing a river with wet shoes suggest going out safely.

Traveling people dreamed of crossing a river with wet shoes and someone leading the way across the river:Suggesting a smooth departure, be careful in case of wind.

Pregnant people dreaming of crossing a river with wet shoes and someone leading the way across the river:Foretelling the birth of a daughter with thinning hair. Prevent miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreaming of crossing a river with wet shoes:Predicting the birth of a boy. In summer, a girl will be born, but she will go to the south less often.

People dreaming of crossing a river with wet shoes are led across the river:Implying caution against official symbols, or the plague of torture and imprisonment, and less control over the affairs of friends.

Traveling people dream of crossing the river shoes missing:Suggest not change the trip, according to the original plan for peace.

Those who dreamed of crossing a river and losing their shoes:Suggesting not to go according to the original plan. Those who dreamed of crossing a river and losing their shoes, suggesting not to go according to the original plan.

Pregnant people dreaming of crossing a river and then having their shoes thrown into the river:Predicting the birth of a boy. Summer occupies the birth of a woman, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

Those who dreamed of crossing a river with wet shoes suggested that there would be wind and rain:And they should travel again later.

People in love dreamed of crossing a river and wetting their shoes:Suggesting mutual forbearance and not contention, hope for marriage.

People dreaming of crossing a river with wet shoes:Means that the results of liberal arts are less satisfactory, not affecting the admission results.

People in love dreamed of crossing the river wet shoes:Suggests that the age difference is bigger, cultivate love marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of crossing a river with wet shoes means that they cannot concentrate on their exams and cannot get what they want.

Pregnant people dreaming of crossing a river with wet shoes:Predicting the birth of a boy, delaying the birth of a baby.

People dreaming of crossing a river with wet shoes represent that it is better to retreat and defend:Big operation and big failure.

People dreaming of crossing a river with wet shoes means that your help will be as good as your wishes:But be cautious of small people's backbiting.

People in love dreamed of crossing the river wet shoes someone lead the way across the river:Means that although have the heart to love each other, must go through a period of ups and downs of marriage to become.

Traveling people dreamed of crossing the river wet power shoes:In case of rain will stop, delayed after the rain and then set off.

People dreaming of crossing a river with wet shoes:Means to get wealth and profit, be cautious and careful, everything goes smoothly, beware of lawsuits.

People in love dream of crossing the river shoes missing:Indicating mutual respect for each other, modest and courteous, marriage is expected.

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