What is the omen of the bun

A traveler dreaming of going to a steamed bun store to order a steamed bun is advised to go out less often and postpone the trip.

A pregnant person dreaming of buying and eating a bun predicts the birth of a girl and no boy. Be careful to prevent miscarriage.

A pregnant woman dreaming of buying a bun and eating it suggests that she should go out less often and have a baby.

Pregnant people dreaming of selling buns and letting me buy buns:Predicting the birth of a daughter, avoid moving earth in the south.

Those who dreamed of going to a steamed bun store to order a steamed bun implies satisfactory results and smooth admission.

Travelers dreaming of gnawing on steamed buns suggest postponing departure in case of thunderstorms.

Travelers dreaming of baking buns to eat:Suggests choosing another date to go out again.

A pregnant woman dreaming of eating oil buns predicts the birth of a daughter:Preventing fetal demise.

A pregnant woman dreaming of building a wall with stone buns predicts the birth of a male child.

People dreaming of selling buns let me buy buns:Suggesting that summer possession obstacles, be careful to prevent water and fire disasters, autumn accounted for feasible.

Travelers dreaming of corn buns:Suggest not going out for good.

Travelers dreaming of lover eating vegetable bun:Suggest traveling as desired, bring rain gear.

People dreaming of buying and eating buns means that nobles help:Promotion and wealth, smooth as desired, do not be greedy and greedy.

Travelers dreaming of buying buns:Suggest postponing the trip.

Travelers dreaming of making vegetable buns:Suggests a safe trip.

Pregnant people dreaming of eating sweet date bun:Predicting the birth of a boy, do not move the fetus.

A pregnant woman dreaming of eating vegetables and buns predicts the birth of a boy.

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