Dreams about a wet ass

A pregnant woman dreaming of a wet ass predicts sabotage and difficulties in five years of operation.

For those who dreamed of seeing a wet bottom:It means that the fall will be favorable, and all will be well, but watch out for lawsuits in the process.

People in love dreaming of a wet buttock indicates that marriage can be accomplished if people communicate with each other without understanding each other.

People dreaming of getting their buttocks wet in the current year of life means difficulties:Dilemmas and dilemmas, it is advisable to keep the old ways and wait for the coming spring.

Those who are traveling dreamed of rain wetting the quilt:Suggest going out safely as scheduled.

Those who traveled dreamed that it rained with an umbrella and still got wet:Suggesting to change the date of departure.

A traveler dreaming that her husband got wet in the rain is advised to wait for the fall and winter seasons.

A traveler dreaming of getting his shoes wet delays his departure by three or four days.

A traveler dreaming of rice flour getting wet suggests going out safely as scheduled:But postponing returning home.

A traveler dreaming of wet clothes suggests going out less often and stopping in case of wind.

Traveling people dreamed of seeing a friend being wet by rain:Suggesting water harm, more evil than good, advisable to postpone.

A traveler dreaming of rain drenching a child suggests postponing departure in case of a thunderstorm.

A traveler dreaming of an unclosed car door getting wet in the rain suggests proceeding with the departure as scheduled.

A traveler dreaming of rain drenching a quilt and a storm postpones the departure.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being wet with rain predicts the birth of a daughter; beware of fire and water.

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