What does a black cat shedding tears mean

If you dream of a black cat shedding tears:It means wealth in spring, but not in summer.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a black cat shedding tears predicts the birth of a daughter:And a male in spring. Avoid moving earth, moving the fetus.

Dreaming of a black cat shedding tears in a dream of a person in love:Suggests that marriage can be accomplished if treated with integrity.

People dreaming of a black cat shedding tears in the year of life means that everything goes smoothly and your people help. Real estate is favorable:Prevent friends from betraying trust.

Dreaming of black cat tears:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is black, wealth in the southeast direction, peach blossom bit in the east direction, lucky number is 5, lucky food is taro.

If you dream of your uncle shedding tears:Delay your trip for a few days.

Those who are traveling dream of shedding tears:Going out as scheduled.

A traveler dreaming of a statue shedding tears suggests a smooth trip and a delayed return.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a big black cat and a small black cat predicts the birth of a daughter and prevents the fetus from dying in the womb.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a grandmother in tears predicts the birth of a boy.

A traveler dreaming of a girl in tears is advised to travel as expected and have a smooth trip.

People dreaming of a black cat giving birth to a baby black cat:Means concentrating on homework, can hope to be admitted.

Traveling people dreaming of resistance to Japan and also shed tears:Suggests as scheduled smooth round trip.

Doing business dreamed of a big black cat and a small black cat:On behalf of not listening to rumors, there is wealth and profit can be gained, big auspicious and smooth.

Traveler dreaming of waking up in tears:Suggests going out smoothly.

Travelers dreaming of a dead black cat and a live black cat:Suggest that it is good to travel with family members.

People in love dreaming of black cat giving birth to a small black cat:Suggests that if you treat each other with sincerity and honesty, marriage can be accomplished.

People who are traveling dreamed of quarreling and shedding tears:Suggests going out safely as scheduled.

Those who are traveling dreamed of seeing a puppy shedding tears:Suggest postponing the departure for a few days.

Pregnant people dreaming of killing a black cat and eating its meat:Foretelling the birth of a male, summer occupying the birth of a female, be careful to prevent accidentally moving the fetus.

Traveling people dreaming of wife in tears:Suggest postponing departure.

Doing business dreamed of killing a black cat and eating black cat meat:On behalf of the operation is not good, loss is very big, should temporarily retreat.

Traveling people dreamed of mother shedding tears:Suggests can leave as scheduled.

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