What does dreaming about buying two bracelets symbolize

A traveler dreaming that I bought two pillows suggests postponing the trip

A traveler dreaming of buying two water tanks suggests going out smoothly as expected.

A traveler dreaming of buying two old loofahs is advised to go out smoothly.

Pregnant people dreamed of buying two water tanks:Predicting the birth of a daughter, avoiding earth moving in the south.

Pregnant people dreamed of buying two bags:Predicting the birth of a daughter, the labor period is delayed a bit.

School dreamed of buying two meat buns:Means to the north district examination, successful admission.

Pregnant people dreamed of buying two cell phones:Predicting the birth of a daughter, avoid moving earth, prevent miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreamed of brother sent me two jade bracelets:Predicting the birth of a woman, winter occupies the birth of a man, it is advisable to take care of more, do not move the fetus.

People in love dreamed of buying two brushes:Indicating passionate and unrestrained, beware of small people destruction.

Doing business dreamed of buying a beautiful bracelet:Representing favorable fortune, socializing should be careful.

Pregnant people dreamed of buying two watermelons:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful in the first three months of pregnancy.

Travelers dreamed of mother bought two pears:Suggest not to go out, postpone the trip is good.

Travelers dreamed of buying a gold bracelet and wearing it on the right hand:Suggesting delaying the departure, stopping in case of wind and rain.

People dreaming of buying a beautiful bracelet mean that their grades are not as good as they would like.

People in love dreamed that their mother bought two pears:Suggesting that after many tests, they can hope to get married.

A pregnant person dreaming that she bought two mirrors predicts the birth of a daughter:And no heavy work.

For a businessman to dream that he bought two meat buns represents smooth financial success and joy in making money.

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