Spiritual meaning of dreaming about picking up apricots

Pregnant people dreaming of apricots ripe and falling down to pick up apricots:Predicting the birth of a male, be careful to prevent miscarriage and difficult to raise.

Travelers dreaming of picking up yellow apricots:Suggest postponing another date to go out.

People in love dreaming of apricots ripe and falling down to pick up apricots:Suggesting that there is honesty in treating marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of picking up apricots:Give birth to a daughter, pregnant women less driving for good.

Doing business dreamed of apricots ripe falling down and picking up apricots:Represents the initial business smoothly get wealth, and then more obstacles and stop.

Doing business dreamed of picking up apricots and eating them:On behalf of smooth cautious against small person design, stop for a period of time and start again.

Pregnant people dreaming of apricots ripe and friends picking apricots:Predicting the birth of a daughter, avoid moving earth. Do not move the earth.

Dreaming of picking yellow apricots:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is purple, wealth in the northwest direction, peach blossom bit in the west direction, lucky number is 8, lucky food is snacks.

People who go to school dreaming of picking up apricots and eating them means that they are not able to concentrate on their studies:And their grades are unsatisfactory and difficult to be admitted.

People dreaming of picking up apricots:Less going out in hot weather, traveling in winter.

People in love dreamed of apricots ripe and friends picking apricots:Suggesting that mutual discovery of shortcomings, if you can tolerate each other marriage can be accomplished.

People in business dreamed of picking apricots and eating apricots:Representing more losses and obstacles, it is appropriate to guard or reorganize the internal.

People in love dreamed of picking yellow apricots:Indicating that only women can do well at home, family success.

Pregnant people dreaming of picking apricots and eating apricots:Predicting the birth of a boy, a girl in August, mother and child are safe.

A pregnant woman dreaming of an apricot tree full of apricots and peaches and pears predicts the birth of a boy.

People dreaming of apricot trees full of apricots:Peaches and pears mean that they can expect to be admitted to school if they work hard again. You need to concentrate on your studies and do not go outside.

Dreaming of apricots ripe and falling down to pick up apricots:According to the Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is purple, lucky number is 7, the wealth position is in the southwest direction, the peach blossom position is in the north direction, the lucky food is bean sprouts.

Dreaming of apricots ripe falling down to pick up apricots:Easy to get unexpected gifts! You are able to get money from elders in some name. Although there is a small amount of money, you usually do not publicize it, preferring to save it up and spend it slowly. Ask others about your money matters are also quite sensitive, but easy to give people a kind of "here is no silver three hundred and two" feeling!

People in love dreaming of apricot tree full of apricots and peaches and pears:Indicating that there are misunderstandings, verbal disputes, as long as mutual understanding can be married.

Doing business dreamed of picking up yellow apricots:On behalf of has been difficult to progress, loss destruction unfavorable.

People dreaming of eating apricots and stealing apricots:It is better to guard than to enter, be careful to prevent first gain and then lose, humility is a blessing.

People dreaming of apricots ripe and friends picking apricots:Means that nobles help, have confidence, smooth get wealth.

Travelers dreaming of apricot tree full of apricots and peaches and pears:Suggest not to change the trip, according to the original plan for peace.

People in love dreaming of apricots ripe a lot of people planting apricots:Indicating that the ups and downs, hot and cold is difficult to predict, grasp.

People in love dreaming of eating apricots and stealing apricots:Willingly, with integrity to get along with marriage can be accomplished.

Dreaming of picking up apricots and eating them:According to the Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is yellow, lucky number is 2, peach blossom position in the north direction, the wealth position in the southwest direction, the lucky food is cookies.

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