Dreaming of eating on a train

Traveling people dreaming of stepping on clothes and eating on a train:Suggesting a smooth round trip and peace.

People traveling dreaming of eating on a train:Going out smoothly as expected, but will be delayed for a few days in case of rain.

People in love dreamt of eating on a train:If they can trust each other, they will be happy together, otherwise they will be separated.

If you dream of eating on a train:There will be ups and downs in the smoothness, but in the end, you will still get a good harvest.

Doing business dreamed of eating on a train:Operating slowly but making progress, it is good to grasp, there will be financial gain.

Those who dreamed of dropping luggage on a train may expect to be admitted to the school:But they should be more attentive to the liberal arts.

Doing business dreamed of taking a train and looking for a seat on the train:Although not yet stable, but already smooth on the track.

People dreaming of being kicked off a train:Poor performance in science, affecting admission.

People who go to school dreaming of seeing their son's ex-husband on a train means failing to pass the exam.

Pregnant dreaming of son's ex-husband on a train:Foretells birth of a boy, be careful to prevent fetal demise.

Traveler dreaming of forgetting something on a train:Suggests delaying in case of rain, safe departure.

Traveler dreaming of sleeping on a train:Stormy weather postpones going out.

A traveler dreaming of playing on a train is advised to change the date of departure in case of rain or wind.

A traveler dreaming of fighting on a train is advised to postpone departure in case of rain.

A traveler dreaming of dropping luggage on a train is advised to postpone the trip if there are many obstacles.

A traveler dreaming of sitting on a train with a train running on a road means that he cannot get what he wants and there are many obstacles.

A traveler dreaming of being robbed at knifepoint on a train is lucky to depart as scheduled.

A pregnant woman dreaming of taking a train and looking for a seat on the train is expecting a boy; both mother and child are weak; beware of miscarriage.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being on a train with too many people predicts the birth of a male child; the mother should take more care of her body.

People in business dreamed of fighting on a train:Noble people help, in the plight of the slow change is better.

Pregnant people dreamed of not catching up with the train my friend on the train:Predicting the birth of a man, summer occupying the birth of a woman, prevent miscarriage.

Doing business dreamed of daughter on the train:Stop or business is unfavorable, it is advisable to keep.

Travelers dreamed of sitting on a train train running on the road:Suggests that there is wind and rain is postponed to go out.

People dreaming of sleeping on a train:Can hope to be admitted, science

Traveler dreaming of computer being stolen on a train:Suggests postponing the trip if there is rain, feasible on a sunny day.

Traveler dreamed of picking up money on a train:Suggests guide lost chatting system delay date.

Traveling person dreamed of taking a train to find a seat on a train:Postponement and then departure.

Traveler dreamed of being killed on a train:Suggests as traveling, be careful in case of wind.

People in love dreamed of taking a train and looking for a seat on the train:If they can resolve the deadlock or misunderstanding, it will be accomplished.

People who go to school dreaming of seeing their daughter on a train:Be careful with oral examination results, can be admitted.

Pregnant person dreamed of stepping on clothes to eat on a train:Foretelling the birth of a male child, a female child in summer month, be careful to prevent accidents.

Pregnant person dreamed of eating on the train:Give birth to a male, spring occupies the birth of a female, with the first three months of pregnancy more careful.

Travelers dreaming of losing shoes on a train:Suggest delaying for a few days before departure.

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