What does it mean when you dream that your wife vomits a lot?

A dream that a man in business sees his wife vomiting a lot represents uncertainty:It is better to keep the business or suspend it.

If you are in love and dream of your wife vomiting a lot:It means that you should start over and try to get along with each other, then your marriage will be successful.

If a pregnant woman dreamed of her wife vomiting a lot:It would mean that she would give birth to a girl in summer and a boy in fall, and prevent burns.

People dreaming of seeing their wives vomiting and especially much:Means that although there is wealth and profit, be careful to prevent paperwork lawsuits or car accidents.

If a person in love dreams of his wife vomiting a lot:It means that he can get married if he understands each other.

People in love dreaming of wife vomiting this is why:Suggests that the female age a little bit no harm, as long as mutual understanding is the most important.

If you are in love and dream that your wife makes you vomit:It means that you can't communicate your feelings with each other and marriage is out of the question.

Pregnant people dreaming of his wife vomiting pregnant:Predicting the birth of a male, fall occupying the birth of a female, peace.

A dream that a businessman saw his wife suffering from a serious head injury indicates that there are ups and downs in business and many obstacles to slow progress:And caution against lawsuits.

Pregnant people dreaming of a boy eating milk and milk especially much:Predicts the birth of a daughter in the fall, be careful to prevent the birth of a doom.

Doing business dreamed that his wife vomited:This is why, on behalf of the start is more difficult, slowly smooth, the north to get wealth in the south of the nobleman.

Dreaming of a wife vomiting and especially a lot:Break through the old concepts, so that you have a new vision and experience today! Going out for a walk will give you a chance to meet beautiful encounters! Books bought with money transfer into priceless wisdom! After talking with a client, you absorb a lot of valuable work/school experience.

Doing business dreamed that his wife's friend was scared by me:Representing profit has twists and turns and obstacles to slow progress, be careful to prevent lawsuits.

Pregnant person dreamed of wife vomiting:Give birth to a male, fetus strong, be careful of passport during labor.

A pregnant man dreaming of his wife making him vomit predicts the birth of a girl. Be careful not to move the fetus:And go to the West less often.

People dreaming that their wives vomit a lot means big changes and big losses:And they should pay attention to safety when traveling.

Those who dreamed of seeing their wives vomiting for the sake of betting on themselves are advised to have obstacles in the middle of the journey and delay the rate of return for a few days.

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