What does basin full of water mean

If a traveler dreams of a basin full of water:He is advised to have a smooth and safe journey, but summer is unfavorable.

People in love dreaming of a basin full of water suggests willingness and honesty to get along with each other and marriage can be accomplished.

Pregnant people dreaming of a basin full of water:Predicting the birth of a male, spring and summer accounted for the birth of a female. The mother should take good care of herself to prevent wind and cold.

People dreaming of a basin full of water in the current year of life:Means to be careful at the water's edge, to guard against villainous traps, and to go out less often.

People dreaming of going to school dreamed of a basin full of water:Implying that specializing in small consistency no longer change the department, hope to be admitted.

Doing business dreamed of peeing and urinating in a basin full of water:Representing that it is difficult to do things at the beginning, and there are many chores, but it will be more smooth in the future.

People in love dreaming of a basin full of shit means that both sides are too strong and can't give in to each other:So they have to split up.

People in business dreaming of seeing a basin full of urine and urine flowing inside a full of rice:Represents that although there are words and rumors of destruction, it will not affect the profitability.

A businessman dreaming of a basin half full of water making waves represents faithful treatment of others:Smooth financial success, and slow progress.

A pregnant woman dreaming of lard overflowing from a full basin predicts the birth of a boy; a woman in summer prevents a miscarriage.

A traveler dreaming of many basins of water suggests setting out again next time.

Doing business dreamed of orchids blossoming in full pots:On behalf of not expanding the business, it is better to keep, stability can be gained wealth.

Doing business dreamed that the faucet could not be turned off and the basin was overflowing:On behalf of the internal personnel adjustment can be expected to go smoothly, otherwise the loss will be greater.

Pregnant people dreaming of peeing full basin flow inside the rice is also full:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful to prevent fetal death.

Pregnant people dreamed of driving a train colleague picking up shit full of pots:Predicting the birth of a man, the fetus is strong, be careful of the passport during labor.

Traveling person dreamed of room full of water:As expected to go out peacefully.

Dreaming of a basin full of water:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, lucky color is yellow, lucky number is 7, peach blossom position in the north direction, wealth position in the southwest direction, lucky food is eggs.

If you dream of seeing a basin full of urine:It means that as long as you have confidence, you will be able to do as you wish after some ups and downs.

A pregnant person dreaming of a basin full of shit predicts the birth of a daughter:Not to do heavy work.

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