What do you dream of being pulled into a bottomless pit?

If you dream of being dragged into a bottomless pit:It means that you will have a good fortune, but there will be some obstacles in your business, and you need to guard against lawsuits.

If you dream of being pulled into a bottomless pit:It is advisable to wait until spring to go out.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being pulled into a bottomless pit predicts the birth of a male child:While a woman will be born in April, so be careful not to move the fetus.

For those who dreamed of being dragged into a bottomless pit:It means good luck in exams, but efforts are more important, and the body should take care of itself.

For those who dreamed of being pulled into a bottomless pit in their current year of life:It means good luck, but be careful of small person's design, framing and betrayal of trust.

Dreaming of being pulled into a bottomless pit:Some things need you to step in to coordinate, but you think too much these two days, things are actually not as complicated as you think, believe in intuition, to your intuition to deal with, far better than you rationally deal with a lot of things in fact do not have to take things too seriously, easy to face, deal with it will be more rounded, and learn to let go of the attitude of obsession, listen to the inner view, follow the feeling to do it right.

People who go to school dreamed of falling into the hole:Means that the first test is unfavorable, and then try again as you wish to be admitted successfully.

People in love dreaming of being pulled into a bottomless pit:Suggesting that the mood is unstable, hot and cold, mutual trust in marriage can be accomplished.

People who go to school dreaming of seeing a hole in the bottom of a hole means that they can be admitted:But fail to enter the desired school.

People dreaming of businessmen dreaming of falling into a hole:Representing loss of property, not to invest, wait for the right time to operate again.

A pregnant woman dreaming of falling into a hole predicts the birth of a woman in summer and a man in fall:Preventing burns.

People in business dreaming of a bottomless hole:Representing stopping the last period of time to reorganize and then operate again, business is good in the fall.

People in love dreaming of a hole cannot enter:Don't get carried away, strong personality is difficult to round things.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a hole in the bottom of a cave foretells the birth of a daughter; a man will be born in the fall (July or September).

Dreaming of a hole can not enter:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is yellow, wealth in the southwest direction, peach blossom bit in the north direction, lucky number is 6, lucky food is seafood.

If you dream of falling into a hole:It means that you should be careful when you go out and guard against injuries and bloodshed.

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