What does it mean when a friend is in poor physical health

A pregnant woman dreaming of her friend's poor health predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in the spring.

For a businessman who dreamt of seeing his friend in poor health:It means that there are ups and downs, and it is better to keep watch. Autumn is favorable.

People in love dreaming of friends in poor health:Suggests strong personality, emotional temperament is difficult to tolerate, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of seeing a friend in poor health means that they are trapped in a difficult situation:Reflecting and improving, and changing jobs and careers is favorable.

Dreaming of a cliff implies that the dreamer will lose his fortune and his health is in a bad state.

To dream of air-dried human flesh:Remember that good or bad health is a determining factor in whether you can go far or not. With plenty of energy, you can often be victorious at work/school.

Remember that good or bad physical health is a determining factor in whether you can go far or not. With plenty of energy:You can often be victorious at work/school.

When you dream of burning incense and telling fortunes:Remember that good or bad physical health is a determining factor in whether you can go far or not. With plenty of energy, you can often be victorious at work/school.

To dream of stealing a sword:Remember that good or bad health is a determining factor in whether you can go far or not. With abundant energy, you can often be victorious at work/school.

Remember that good or bad health is a factor in determining whether you can go far or not. With abundant energy:You can often be victorious at work/school.

When you dream that your coworker doesn't have a seed in the lottery:Remember that good or bad health is the factor that determines whether you can go far or not. With abundant energy, you can often be victorious at work/school.

If you dream of running while crying:Remember that good or bad health is the factor that determines whether you can go far or not. With plenty of energy, you can often be victorious at work/school.

Dreaming of three people taking a shower:Remember that good or bad health is a determining factor in whether you can go far or not. With plenty of energy, you can often be victorious at work/school.

Dreaming of corn in a pot:Remember that good or bad health is a determining factor in whether you can go far or not. With abundant energy, you can often be victorious at work/school.

Dreaming of Liu Yanting:Remember that good or bad health is a determining factor in whether you can go far or not. With abundant energy, you can often be victorious at work/school.

Remember that good or bad health is a determining factor in whether you can go far or not. With abundant energy:You can often be victorious at work/school.

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