What is the omen of eating spider silk

If a person traveling dreams of eating spider silk:The trip will be postponed in case of rain or wind.

People in love dream of eating spider's silk:Understand each other, no need to modify the appearance, can hope to get married.

People who are traveling dreamed of spider silk winding:Suggest that they can travel as scheduled.

People who are traveling dreamed of spiders hanging on top of spider silk:Suggest that may go out smoothly, be careful at the water's edge.

Pregnant people dreaming of spider silk sticking to their face:Give birth to a daughter, be careful to prevent the fetus from dying in the womb.

Travelers dreaming of spider silk attached to their bodies and hard to get rid of:Suggesting that water and fire be careful, and pay attention to safety when going out.

People traveling dreamed of spider silk entanglement:Suggest to delay departure in case of wind.

People in love dreaming of spiders hanging on top of spider silk suggests that as long as there is mutual trust:Marriage can be accomplished. There are joyful celebrations in the fall.

Pregnant people dreaming of spider silk sticking to their bodies:Predicting the birth of a daughter, be careful to prevent fetal position is not about to be operated on.

Those who dreamed of spider silk sticking to their bodies:Suggesting postponement in case of rain, and postponement in case of disagreement.

Travelers dreaming of spider silk arms cut uncleanly:Suggest postponing a few days before going out.

A pregnant woman dreaming of spider silk wrapped around her body would give birth to a girl:But not a boy. Caution against miscarriage.

People dreaming of spider silk sticking to their bodies in their current year of life means smooth as expected:With joyful celebrations on the doorstep.

If a traveler dreams that his clothes are covered with spider silk:He is advised to stop in case of rain or wind and delay going out again.

If a traveler dreams of spider silk wrapped around his body:He is advised to postpone his departure for a day or two.

People in business dreamed of a room full of spider's silk:Representing the innovation of profit-making methods can gain wealth and profit.

Travelers dreaming of gray spider silk wrapped around the body:Suggest that near is favorable, far is unfavorable.

Doing business dreamed of spider silk:Represents tongue and cheek, big change also big failure, old-fashioned is better.

Doing business dreamed of being entangled in spider silk:Represents smooth as expected, not overconfident and then big investment.

People in love dreaming of spider silk sticking to their face:After many tests, can hope to get married.

People dreaming of a spider hanging on top of a spider's silk in the year of life means that it is capricious and not smooth:Be careful of fire and water.

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