Dreaming of spilling chicken soup

A traveler dreaming of chicken soup spilling on the ground is advised to travel as expected.

A pregnant woman dreaming of spilling chicken soup predicts the birth of a boy. In spring:A girl will be born. Smooth and safe.

If you dream of chicken soup spilling on the ground:It means that you will not be admitted to the school, but you should make more efforts.

People in love dreaming of chicken soup spilling on the ground:Suggesting that temperament is difficult to tolerate, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of chicken soup spilling on the ground means that everything goes well as expected:And it is advisable to keep the old ways and be safe recently.

People in love dreamed of sesame seeds spilling on the ground:Indicating that marriage can be accomplished with honesty.

Those who dreamed of seeing my family's soybean oil spilling on the ground suggested that they could go out between fall and winter.

People in business dreamed of seeing necklace beads spilling on the ground:Business loss, to reorganize and start again.

People who go to school dreamed of Buddha beads spilling all over the place:Meaning that they can't be admitted as they wish.

A pregnant woman dreaming of water spilling out of a basin foretells the birth of a male child:The fetus is strong, and she should be careful with her passport during labor.

A traveler dreaming of someone spilling rice suggests a safe trip.

A pregnant woman dreaming of spilling rice predicts the birth of a girl.

A pregnant woman dreaming of rice spilling on the ground predicts the birth of a daughter. Do not move the earth.

A traveler dreaming of spilling dung suggests proceeding as scheduled.

People in love dreamt of rice spilling on the ground:Someone is sabotaging, handle with caution, don't misunderstand each other.

People who go to school dreamed of seeing necklace beads spilling on the ground:Interview oral examination mistakes affecting admission results.

People dreaming of traveling dreamed of money spilling on the ground:Suggests fire and water side should be careful, postpone going out.

Pregnant people dreamed of rice spilling on the ground:Giving birth to a male, spring occupying the birth of a female, be careful to prevent the fetus from moving.

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