What does it mean when you dream of going down an endless flight of stairs and t

A traveler dreaming of endless stairs and then falling down:Don't go out, choose another day and time to leave again.

If you are pregnant and dream of going down endless stairs and then falling down:You will give birth to a daughter; if you have a boy in spring, you should avoid cutting down trees and moving earth, and have a miscarriage.

People in love dreamed of endless stairs and then fell down:Love is in love, three years of success, marriage is a match made in heaven.

Doing business dreamed of endless stairs and then fell down:Gain less loss more, frank city get along, down-to-earth to do profit.

People dreaming in the year of life see endless stairs and then fall down:All things are not smooth, poor health, or a friend backstabbing.

People who are traveling dreamed of seeing their boyfriend fall down the stairs:Encountering heavy rain, postponing the departure again.

Doing business dreamed of playing with swings and falling down:Representing uncertainty, suitable to keep. Small do small earn.

Traveling people dreamed of son fell down from window:Suggest winter in ice and snow unfavorable, spring and summer favorable.

Pregnant people dreaming of a child falling down from a high place:Give birth to a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man. Be careful against miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreaming of a son falling down from a high mountain:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, avoid moving earth, prevent miscarriage.

Doing business dreamed of falling down the stairs:Representing unable to support, appropriate to defend, not big investment, loss of wealth.

Pregnant people dreaming of playing with swings and falling down:Predicting the birth of a daughter, avoid moving the earth, moving the fetus.

Traveling people dreamed that nephew fell down from the balcony:Suggest to delay a few days before going out.

A pregnant woman dreaming that her friend fell down the stairs predicts the birth of a boy. A girl will be born in March or April. Beware of miscarriage.

People in business dreaming of a child falling down from a high place:Many ups and downs, much competition, it is advisable to retreat and defend.

People who go to school dreaming of their son falling down from a high mountain means that they are close to the edge of acceptance:It is advisable to refuel more.

People dreaming of falling down a flight of stairs means that all things go well as expected:But one should be careful to prevent friends from backstabbing one's friends and designing a loss of wealth, and to prevent thefts and burglaries.

People in love dreamed of playing with swings and falling down:Indicating that verbal disputes can be resolved, marriage can be accomplished.

Those who dreamed of seeing a friend fall from a very high place suggested delaying the departure.

A businessman dreaming of a friend falling down from a hill represents uncertainty:Insisting on retreat and defense, and finally gaining fame and fortune.

A pregnant woman dreaming of her friend falling from a high place predicts the birth of a daughter. Autumn and winter would mean the birth of a boy.

A traveler dreaming of falling down a flight of stairs is advised to travel smoothly as expected.

A strong sense of self-preservation is starting to raise its head when you dream of descending an endless flight of stairs and then falling down. Although you still have high expectations of yourself:You are beginning to seek stability in your life today and forgo opportunities for change.

A pregnant person dreaming of a child falling down the stairs predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in the fall, so be careful not to move the fetus.

People in love dreaming of seeing a friend fall down the stairs suggests that after many trials and tribulations:A marriage can be expected.

A pregnant woman dreaming of falling down the stairs predicts the birth of a male child and a female child in May. Beware of difficult labor.

A pregnant person dreaming that her friend fell down from a very good place predicts the birth of a daughter; avoid moving earth.

Doing business dreamed of seeing a friend's brother fall down from the stairs:Market price rise, profit small, first loss and then gain, from new reorganization of business.

Pregnant people dreamed of falling down the stairs:Predicting the birth of a daughter. Spring occupies the birth of a man, avoid moving the earth to move the fetus.

Pregnant person dreamed of falling down without catching the child's hand:Predicting the birth of a boy, autumn occupying the birth of a girl, be careful to prevent the fetus from dying in the womb.

Pregnant people dreaming of a child almost falling down:Predicting the birth of a girl, winter occupying the birth of a boy. Be careful when climbing up.

Travelers dreaming of a child almost falling down:Do not think too much, can set off.

Traveling people dreamed that his girlfriend accidentally fell down from upstairs:Suggest smooth travel, prevent thieves from losing property.

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